Chain of custody standard
The FSC chain of custody (CoC) is the path taken by products from the forest, or in the case of recycled materials from the moment when the material is reclaimed, to the point where the product is sold with an FSC claim and/or it is finished and FSC labelled.
The CoC standard includes each stage of sourcing, processing, trading, and distribution where progress to the next stage of the supply chain involves a change of product ownership.
The standard is available in English, Croatian and Serbian (Cyrillic) languages.

FSC Core Labour Requirements
FSC chain of custody certificate holders are required to implement the FSC core labour requirements in their operations and must be able to demonstrate this to external third-party auditors.
To comply with the FSC core labour requirements, the company must:
→ not use child labour,
→ eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour,
→ ensure that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation, and
→ respect freedom of association and the effective right to collective

Controlled wood
FSC forest management certification requirements are demanding for forest managers to implement. Supply of certified wood is often not sufficiently available to meet demand. Therefore, FSC allows businesses to source controlled wood to make up a limited percentage (up to 30%) of the total manufactured product.
Controlled wood provides for an acceptable option for those businesses that cannot procure themselves enough FSC-certified material and still offer consumers the possibility of purchasing products from certified and controlled sources.

Group CoC certification
Chain of custody group certification is a cost-effective tool available to help small businesses become FSC-certified. Companies can join existing group certificates, as opposed to becoming certified on their own, and this helps save on some of the associated costs.

Steps towards CoC certification
To become holders of FSC CoC certification, companies must comply with the requirements of one or more applicable standards defined by the FSC.
Follow the suggested 6 steps and join over 1200 companies from the Adria-Balkan Region that are already responsibly sourcing forest based products and materials.