Environmentally appropriate

Environmentally appropriate forest management ensures that the production of timber, non-timber products, and ecosystem services maintains the forest’s biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes.

Forest management

Mitigating climate change

Forest have a crucial role of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing carbon within soils and biomass. The more forests grow, more carbon they are removing from the atmosphere.

Erosion regulation

Preventing soil erosion

Using their canopy to protect from direct impact and fixing the soil with forest floor and vigorous tree root systems, trees are essential for preventing soil erosion.


Reducing floods

Trees reduce the amount of runoff acting as a natural barrier to water streams and water is released more slowly into water bodies.

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Decreasing biodiversity loss

By supplying vital habitat for majority of terrestrial species, forests are ensuring living conditions for countless animals and plants.


Improving air quality

Trees are able to improve air quality thanks to oxygen production as a result of photosynthesis and by capturing and reducing the quantity of air pollutants.

Forest stream

Improving water quality

Trees act as natural sponges, collecting and filtering rainfall and releasing it slowly into streams and rivers - the most effective land cover for maintenance of water quality.