This new Global Strategy has taken its point of departure from the previous Global Strategic Plan 2015- 2020, and the overall ambition of the organisation and its vision for 2050 are unchanged. At the same time, however, new ideas from membership and staff have been incorporated in many places, and as a result, we believe the strategy is fresh, inspiring and much improved in clarity and precision.

As the basis for taking on these new strategic directions, The Global Strategy 2021-2026 reaches back into the roots of who FSC is as an organisation. It reconfirms our commitment to promoting forest stewardship as the way to enable resilient forests that create environmental, social and economic value and benefits.

We are excited and proud to present this new Global Strategy 2021-2026 to our members and stakeholders and we look forward to working with them to deliver solutions that matter to people and nature around the world.

Excerpt from the strategy:

Overview FSC Global Strategy
FSC GLOBAL STRATEGY 2021-2026 (English version)
PDF, Size: 7.25MB

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