This May, many Croatian stakeholders from the forestry and wood sector had a chance to meet and talk to FSC's Director General Mr. Kim Carstensen, who came to Croatia as a guest speaker of the Greencajt sustainability festival.
Recognising the importance of forests, there is an increasing emphasis on the practice of sustainable forest management, including the establishment of forest plantations on abandoned agricultural lands and other non-forest lands.
Since 1990, 420 million hectares of forest have been lost due to deforestation worldwide, an area larger than the European Union. Geolocation is rapidly becoming part of the solution.
On 1st of June 2022, a public presentation of the analysis of the effects of Green Public Procurement in the Republic of Slovenia was held in Ljubljana.
In keeping with the motto “Better living, healthier forests”, FSC launches the new edition of its annual awards, which honor the most sustainable furniture manufacturers and retailers throughout Europe.
The European Commission has proposed a Regulation aiming to mimimise EU-driven deforestation and forest degradation. FSC has shared 10 suggestions to improve the Regulation.