Members and chambers
Members may join as an individual or as an organisation. They join one of three chambers – environmental, social, or economic – which are further divided into northern and southern sub-chambers. FSC’s unique governance structure aims to ensure that all decisions are made through consensus.
Each chamber holds 33.3% of the weight in votes, and within each chamber the votes are weighted so that the North and South hold an equal portion of authority, to ensure influence is shared equitably between interest groups and countries with different levels of economic development. The votes of all individual members in each sub-chamber represent 10% of the total vote of the sub-chamber, while the votes of organisational members make up the other 90%. Have a look at our members using the button below!
Members from the Adria-Balkan Region
There are over 1200 international FSC members, 10 of them come from the Adria-Balkan Region. Meet our members by reading their profiles below!
Note: We are working hard on adding more members' profiles soon.
Adis Baručić
1) Occupation and work experience:
For 8 years, as a Lead auditor, I have been working as an employee and/or external associate of renowned certification companies in the field of system certification according to international standards: ISO 9001, FSC CoC and others.
However, FSC CoC has always been a special story for me, the area in which I "found myself" the most, the area in which (I would dare to say) I "specialised", but also the standard with which my journey to international standards and certification began.2) When did you become an international member of FSC?
I have been an individual international member of FSC since 2019.
3) Do you have a favourite forest?
Each tree is a "forest" in itself, so I could not single out a special forest, but certainly the forests of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country I come from, always have a special place for me and with me.
4) What motivated you become a member?
Through work for renowned certification companies, I had the opportunity to learn, but also teach, clarify and advise (consulting), and audit (control) the application of the international FSC standard. As a member of FSC International, I have the opportunity to participate in the creation of procedures and standards, to meet people involved in this system around the world, but also to regularly receive all information and news from the world of FSC.
5) How do you participate in the FSC system?
Primarily as a Lead auditor who performs daily controls (audits) in companies that are certified in accordance with FSC standards, but also as a member of the General Assembly of FSC International. I did not have the opportunity to travel to the assembly itself, but through online tools I had the opportunity to receive, read, propose and vote on almost all documents and processes that are current in FSC International today.
6) Why would you suggest international membership to other individuals or organisations from the Adria-Balkan region?
I strongly recommend membership in FSC to all individuals and organisations, because this way we stop being passive observers of global processes and changes in the field of preserving forests and forest wealth, as well as the environment. Let's be actively involved in these processes. Let's stop being guided by that passive slogan: "someone will do it". Be "that someone".
Miljan Velojić
1) Occupation and work experience:
I have been involved in the certification of responsible forest management of public company "Vojvodinašume" from the very beginning, i.e. from the idea of FSC forest certification in 2006. At that time, within the framework of the then development sector of public company "Vojvodinašuma", my position of coordinator for forest and environmental certification was systematised, which today is called an independent professional associate for forest and environmental certification.
2) When did you become an international member of FSC?
I have been an individual member of FSC since 2010.
3) Do you have a favourite forest?
The pedunculate oak forests in the Srem forest area are unique and simply indescribable.
4) What motivated you become a member?
Public company "Vojvodinašume" decided to certify its forest management due to the pressures it suffered at that time from nature protection, the wood processing industry, the environment, the development potential of the Republic of Serbia and Vojvodina region and its own development, and FSC forest certification appeared as a positive response to many unsolvable questions, which as a result fortified my trust in the vision and mission of FSC.
5) How do you participate in the FSC system?
As a member of the FSC, I try to be active as much as possible, although I don't always manage to do so due to current obligations.
6) Why would you suggest international membership to other individuals or organisations from the Adria-Balkan region?
I consider keeping up with the changes to be the most important thing in the time we live in - and the membership in FSC allows me to achieve this goal.
Zoran Tintor
1) Occupation and work experience:
As a forestry engineer, in my spare time I am dedicated to the work of FSC as an individual member of the Economic Chamber - South. Previous decades of experience in planning, organising and implementing activities in practice helps me to monitor the forest certification process.
2) When did you become an international member of FSC?
I have been an individual member of the FSC since 2010, when forest certification in my region was just beginning to appear and develop.
3) Do you have a favourite forest?
I can't pick out a specific location. Staying in every forest is connecting me as a person with nature as an essential need. I think that a person feels like a human being only in nature - in this case, in the forest. I get the energy, mental clarity and optimism from forests.
4) What motivated you become a member?
Humanity has always been connected to the forest. I recognised FSC as a guide for the future of the survival of forests and therefore of people too. I became a member because I believe in the goals and the mission of FSC. Being a member means belonging to wider network of people who believe in the same cause. As a member, I can share my ideas with other members and together we are always at least one step ahead of the coming changes.
5) How do you participate in the FSC system?
As a member of the FSC, I participate in consultations during the drafting of normative acts. I am looking for advice from other members and I also share my knowledge with others.
6) Is there an anecdote about your FSC membership that you would like to share?
In private gatherings with friends, I sometimes talked a little more about forest certification than I should have, so my friends and relatives started to associate me with the logo and joke about it - "again you and that tree of yours" - referring to the FSC logo. In general, when friends who are not connected to the forest identify me with FSC - I take it as a compliment.
7) Why would you suggest international membership to other individuals or organisations from the Adria-Balkan region?
As a member of FSC for over 12 years, I think that the most important advantage of membership is to be aware of upcoming changes and the possibility of influencing them. The future is certain when you create it yourself!

General Assembly
The General Assembly is made up of all FSC international members and is the highest decision-making body of the organisation. It is held every three years. International members can submit initiatives regarding FSC’s mission and vision through motions at general assemblies, where they can participate and vote. Participating in the general assembly assures an opportunity to participate in this decision-making process as well as the chance to meet hundreds of leaders and decision makers from around the world.
Benefits of membership
Assume a leadership role in the growing market for independently certified forest products.
Join a forum building relationships with business, environmental, Indigenous and community leaders.
Take up a position of influence to support healthy forests, strong communities and thriving businesses.
Share in the decision-making authority to bring integrity and resilience to the FSC system.
Have your voice heard on matters pertaining to the forests of the world.
01. Leadership role:
Assume a leadership role in the growing market for independently certified forest products.
02. Networking:
Join a forum building relationships with business, environmental, Indigenous and community leaders.
03. Influence:
Take up a position of influence to support healthy forests, strong communities and thriving businesses.
04. Participation:
Share in the decision-making authority to bring integrity and resilience to the FSC system.
05. Platform:
Have your voice heard on matters pertaining to the forests of the world.
Become a member!
Are you ready to help change how forests are cared for around the world? Through our governance model, FSC members have real influence. Applying for membership is easy. Firstly, you will need to decide if you are applying as an individual or as an organisation. Next, you will need to complete our online member application (alternatively, you can apply via post).