Recognizing Indigenous Peoples' rights
Forest managers must identify and uphold Indigenous Peoples’ rights of land ownership, use of land, and access to resources the land may provide.

Supporting local communities
Improving the living standards of local communities that rely on forests for a living is a way to contribute to rural development.

Improving working conditions
Responsible forest management must ensure all legal requirements when it comes to workers health and safety, education, right to establish workers' organisations, etc.

Employing locally
When possible, responsible forest management should ensure that forestry-related jobs are offered locally in order to address unemployment on the ground.

Ensuring gender and race equality
Job opportunities must be open to both women and men of all races under the same conditions, and women shall be encouraged to participate actively in all levels of employment.

Consulting the public
Affected public must always be able to express their opinion when it comes to the management of public goods such as forest ecosystems.