About the webinars
The FSC Chain of Custody webinars are designed for online use. In 2024 there will be a total of 8 free webinars organised for the CoC certificate holders from the Adria-Balkan Region.
The webinars are presented by the FSC employee in Croatian language with the graphic support of presentations. The live format of the webinar with a mentor allows the certificate holders to communicate directly with each other and with the mentor, in order to clarify any ambiguities.
To find out more information and to apply for the webinars please use the registration form below! You can follow each webinar using the web link provided after the registration.
A total of 8 free webinars is planned for the 2024. Duration of each webinar is approximately 45 minutes. From February to October, CoC certificate holders will have a chance to follow a webinar every second Tuesday of each month. Each webinar starts at 10:00 o'clock. Please connect a few minutes earlier to control your connection.
webinar: Introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council (I) - 13.2.2024.
1) Forests in the world and in the Adria-Balkan Region
2) FSC system and benefits of certification
webinar: Introduction to the Forest Stewardship Council (II) - 12.3.2024.
1) Market drivers
2) Entities and roles in the certification process
3) Overview of the FSC normative framework
webinar: General requirements (I) - 9.4.2024.
1) Objective and content of the CoC standard
2) To whom does FSC CoC certification apply?
3) Chain of Custody management system
webinar: General requirements (II) - 14.5.2024.
1) Scope of the certificate
2) Allowed materials and eligibility criteria
webinar: Control of FSC claims - 11.6.2024.
1) FSC claims
2) Transfer system
3) Percentage system
4) Credit system
webinar: Additional requirements (I) - 9.7.2024.
1) Material sourcing
2) Material handling
3) Production
4) Sales
5) FSC material and products records
6) Product labeling
7) Contractors
webinar: Additional requirements (II) - 10.9.2024.
1) Supply chain integrity
2) Compliance with timber legality legislations
3) FSC core labour requirements
webinar: Using the FSC trademarks - 8.10.2024.
1) General requirements for use
2) On-product trademark use
3) Off-product trademark use

Materials and Confirmation of attendance
After each completed webinar, participants will receive a copy of the interactive presentation (in either Croatian or Slovenian language variant) to be able to additionally revise the presented material in their own time, as well as a simple Confirmation of attendance in a pdf format.