2017_ICCOMMS_FSCGA2017_(C)FSC_AC_Geoff Howe_-158
Geoff Howe

Last year we decided to postpone the General Assembly to 2021. However, given the ongoing and even growing concerns regarding COVID-19, the FSC International Board of Directors has decided to hold the upcoming General Assembly in two parts: as a virtual assembly in 2021 and as a physical assembly in 2022, or as soon as possible.

The decision not to physically hold the General Assembly in 2021 does not come lightly. The General Assembly is an incredibly important event for FSC and has always provided a special opportunity to learn, connect and collaborate, but in these unprecedented times we must prioritise the health and safety of our community by adopting a virtual format.

The idea of ​​dividing the General Assembly into two parts is the best we can do under the circumstances. It allows us to carry out the work required by our Articles of Association in 2021, while at the same time providing members with sufficient time to consider the proposed proposals before voting in the unique atmosphere that a physical General Assembly brings to all who attend.

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Part 1: Virtual Assembly

During 2021, the FSC continued to conduct virtual dialogues regarding possible proposals for discussion, and members will gather in October to decide on statutory proposals and a few priority policy proposals (if their proponents so desire). The procedure is designed as follows:

August-September 2021

Members have been sent an electronic ballot to vote on the following:

  • Approval of the financial report from the Treasurer of the FSC Board of Directors
  • Approval of the list of members
  • Removal of expired members

25.-29. October 2021 - Virtual Event:

  • Discussion and voting on statutory proposals and several policy proposals, the priority of discussion of which was determined by the members
  • Meetings in chambers and between chambers to discuss proposals and high priority issues
  • Business Report of the FSC International Board of Directors
  • Business Report of the FSC Director General
  • Report on proposals adopted at the 2017 FSC General Assembly
Guillaume Meurice / Pexels

Part 2: In-person Assembly

The second part of the General Assembly will include a discussion and voting on the remaining proposals, as well as an interesting conference with inspiring speakers.

Please note that the second part of the General Assembly will be held physically in 2022 in Bali, Indonesia only if it is safe, fair and logistically possible for FSC members to gather for a physical meeting. If this is not possible, the physical Assembly will be held as soon as possible thereafter.

2022 (or as soon as possible, after 2022) Bali, Indonesia

  • Discussion and voting on the remaining proposals
  • A full conference with inspiring speakers and breakout sessions

With this plan for the 2021/2022 General Assembly, we are committed to working diligently to provide our members with an engaging and inspiring General Assembly as we continue to conserve our forests for all, forever.