Over 36000 hectares of FSC certified protected forest area

Public forest management company Šume Republike Srpske is entrusted to manage the largest area of protected forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina (36.803,72 hectares), located in the Republic of Srpska entity. Suggested by the name, the main aim of forest management in these forests is protection of natural habitat, with minimal economic interventions. Have a look at some beautiful, FSC certified, protected forest areas in the Republic of Srpska entity below!

Old-growth forest Janj Bosnia
Malesevic Darija

Old-growth forest reserve Janj

Old-growth forest reserve Janj near the city of Šipovo has been protected since 1954. It spreads across 295 hectares. On July 28, 2021, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared this Strict Nature Reserve Janj a natural asset of world importance as part of the expansion of the UNESCO World Heritage "Primitive Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe". It is the first natural asset from Bosnia and Herzegovina to be included in this UNESCO list.

Visit the official website: prasumajanj.com

Old-growth forest reserve Lom Bosnia

Old-growth forest reserve Lom

The old-growth forest reserve Lom, located near the city of Petrovac, is one of the three old-growth forests in the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, protected since 1956, and spreading across 297,80 hectares. The most abundant vegetation covering 75% of the area is the typical forest of Dinaric mountains, the community of beech, fir, and spruce (20:40:40 ratio). 

Nature park Orjen Bosnia

Nature park Orjen

Nature Park Orjen is a protected area of part of Orjen and Bijela Gora (northern side of Orjen) on the territory of the city of Trebinje. At 1,894 meters above sea level, Zubacki Kabao is the highest of a total of 6 peaks above 1,800 meters asl. As a very rugged mountain, Orjen is arid, although it receives an average of 4762 mm of precipitation per year and is one of the rainiest areas in Europe. After its declaration in 2020, this park became the largest protected area in the Republic of Srpska, spreading across 16.715,83 hectares.

Nature park Tara Bosnia

Nature park Tara

Nature park Tara is the most recently declared (in 2022), fifth nature park in the Republika Srpska, and taking into account the spatial scope, with an area of 14,453.38 ha, it ranks third in terms of area among all protected areas, behind the Nature Park Orjen and the National Park Sutjeska. The main values of the Nature Park Tara are the canyon gorge of the Tara River valley with numerous rapids, waterfalls and beech trees, colourful landscapes, diverse ecosystems and habitats, and relict and endemic plant communities. 

Nature park Prača Bosnia

Nature park Prača

Nature park Prača, founded in 2021, spreads across 4.067,89 hectares. The core value of this park is precisely the canyon valley of the Prača river, which has a large number of underground forms of karst relief. The most important among them are the cave systems of Govještica, which with their length of 9,870 meters represent the longest cave in the territory of the Republic of Srpska. The Banja Stijena cave is characterised by its great wealth and variety of stalagmites and stalactites. Also, there is a considerable number of endemic and relict species in the surroundings of the Prača canyon.

Nature park Cicelj Bosnia

Nature park Cicelj

Nature park Cicelj, spread across 330,76 hectares, is an area of well-preserved natural values with mostly preserved natural ecosystems and colourful landscapes, intended to preserve the overall geological, biological and landscape diversity, as well as to satisfy scientific, educational, spiritual, aesthetic, cultural, touristic, health-recreational needs and other activities, harmonised with the traditional way of life and the principles of sustainable development. As many as 513 plant species are already identified, of which 43 are regionally or globally rare and deserve special attention in the future protected area.